Hippo CMS

Linguaggio:  JavaScript
Licenza: Apache License, 2.0

Hippo CMS è un sistema open source sviluppato nel linguaggio java 100%, nativo xml, interfaccia ajax, adatto per portali e siti web con diversi editori, controllo delle pagine inserite, ricerca interna, workflow etc.. Creato grazie all’uso di altri programmi open source in particolare Apache Software foundation.

is an user friendly and feature-rich Open Source Content Management System and comes with revision control, scheduling, search, multiple editors, workflow and a lot more. The open architecture of Hippo CMS has the following advantages: * Based on open standards * Reuse of content * Separation of content, design, logic and the CMS system itself. * User friendly interface (AJAX) * Native XML, 100 % JAVA The Hippo CMS project was initiated,developed and is maintained by Hippo’s development team. Hippo CMS is based on several proven open source projects, mainly from the Apache Software foundation.
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