Categories Dropdown DM K2 Allows you to list categories inside a dropdown listbox now, in a Joomla module, you can choose to list categories (and, if you want, Their Children in a structured list) Particular Having a parent, in Addition, the module can show an intro text, a link in the bottom part, the articles’ creation dates. You can choose to Have The active item always selected; Joomla SEF is supported with native API. Categories Dropdown Was designed DM K2 K2. Categories Dropdown DM K2 is TOTALLY COMPATIBLE WITH Joomfish! You can choose to display a bottom link, Allowing you to Provide a customized "read more link" to your module. * Display or categories in a dropdown listbox to display children categories * * Sorting of categories * Full compatibility with K2! * Full compatibility with JoomFish! * FREE access to future updates module * Priority support for problems experienced During module installation or configuration.