OS Ticket

OS Ticket is an open source support ticket online. Suitable for inquiries by e-mail, telephone and web-based modules is simple easy to use multi-user web interface. Manage, organize, and archive all your support requests and responses in one place, while providing your clients with accountability and responsiveness they deserve.

osTicket is a viable alternative to higher cost and complex customer support systems; source simple, lightweight, reliable, open, web-based and easy to install and use. The best part is that it’s completely free


osTicket is designed to help streamline support requests and improve the efficiency of customer support by providing staff with tools they need to provide fast, effective and measurable support. Some of the main features include:

  • Tickets can be created by e-mail, online forms or by phone (created by staff). Flexible configuration and mapping.
  • Auto-reply that is sent when a new ticket is opened or a message is received. Customizable email template.
  • default answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Add internal notes to tickets for staff
  • topics of the configurable for tickets anywhere. Route surveys without exposing internal departments or priorities.
  • Staff and customers are kept up to date with email alerts. The flexible and configurable settings.
  • level of access control staff, based on groups and departments.
  • tickets assigned to staff and / or department.
  • Do not have a user account or registration is required for users (ID card / email used to login).
  • All requests for support and answers are archived.
