Drupal Installation Guide

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php, apache, mysql web + space + FTP client (smartftp.com) Explorer or Firefox browser.

Entire package of files downloaded from one of the official websites below, they suggest that follow.
drupal.org | Community International
drupal Italy | Italian Community for Drupal
drupal.it | Italian Community Drupal

Make sure you download the latest stable version, for the moment is the truth. 5

1. Remove the entire package of files you just downloaded from the official website of Drupal, pull them in any folder on our computer / temp

2. Decide whether to install the portal in the root of the server (tuosito.it) or in some other folder (yourSite / foldername /

3. Load the contents of the folder on the FTP server, open a web browser and point to that path by calling the index.php of the root out important.

4. This will open an image like this:

5. We are being asked to change the permissions on this file:
. / Drupal / default / setting.php

6. Give the file permissions to 666 via FTP and continue the installation wizard.

7. At this point we have to create the databse for Drupal, if you have not created yet and now the moment you need this information:

Database Name
Database Username
Password Database
Database Hostname usually (localhost)
Database port (you can leave the default)
Table prefix (this feature can be useful in case of multiple installations or multi-site, or you can write dp_ drupal_)

Open your control panel or phpMyAdmin to create the database.

8. Now click on Save Configuration

9. The installation is complete, call now possaimo setting.php iu proper permissions to the file to 644 or 444 to provide greater security to your drupal.

10. Now create the Administrator account, click Create New Account The first account created will be recognized as General Manager of the site.

At this point you have installed your Drupal and you can begin to know him better by reading and following the instructions, since the last release you can define the language of administration in Italian for easier management. Now your site will be visible by calling your internet address http://localhost/drupal