Mambo is an open source software provided under the GNU / GPL license, which allows the administration of a website, allowing the creation and updating of web pages even to those unfamiliar with HTML and scripting languages required.

This is a content management system (Content Management System, CMS for short), designed and built to allow storage in a database of all information of a website, whether simple text or multimedia content, and their management through a web interface accessible through a common browser. If you want to create your site with this software requires information Mambo Hosting
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Mambo Components

The components are additional elements through which you can add additional functionality to the Mambo system to meet specific functional requirements (such as a system for distributing files downloaded from the site, a gallery, a guestbook, wiki features, newsletter …) .

All additional features are installed by an automated process manageable in the administration section of the site. Starting with version 4.6 is expected that there is a single, universal installation system that automatically recognizes the different types of plugins that you try to install.

Components and other plug-ins are normally distributed within a single zip or rar archive containing all the necessary software and instructions for the installer to Mambo necessary for their proper installation automatically.

Mambo Modules

The modules are elements used to display items of information or interactive capabilities within a Mambo site. It can be seen as windows through which you can see some information that is contained in categories, sections or parts that are within the site (but in some cases from outside), in practice a sort of preview of these categories , sections and components.

The modules retrieve information, or pieces of information defined by parameters, and displays them in their area of expertise, for example in the form "breaking news" by default retrieves only the article titles to view the site as a list, giving the possibility to anticipate what the visitor is located within the site and what are the latest news. The user is given the opportunity to choose which modules to display and where to place them within the layout of the page, according to a template (see below).

Acting directly in the Module Manager (Manager Module) can be created by simple HTML forms. In the case of more complex scripts, they are generally prepared to fit with the proper procedures. There are many useful modules already programmed and ready to use, freely available on

Among the modules you can report the standard form "main menu (the menu), the form of" login "(for the restricted access of users), that for the polls (" poll ") and for the distribution of RSS ("syndicate").

Mambo Template

A template is a document HTML / CSS that contains the code necessary to guide the Mambo system and to lay out the contents: for example, contains code that allows the loading of the various modules in the default locations, the so-called mainbody code to load (the area which presents the main content or generated by Mambo add-ons) and so on. To get the look you want many templates also contain a series of images (for backgrounds, borders, etc.).

Mambo Mambot

Mambots are small pieces of code that, when called in, and activate a program, script or perform a specific function. Often acting in the background throughout the site. They can be as simple as the function which replaces typed text with a coded function (eg place a preloaded image layout in a text or break it into two pages the contents of a long article), but can also have effects much more pronounced, as call, in window forms for entering content, features, sophisticated text editor in WYSIWYG processed by third parties. It can also allow links between different components, a gallery of images, for example, may have a related mambot that makes the image available description of the search features on the site.

There mambot to insert Flash functions, automatically links to a glossary of words in the texts of the articles, to generate thumbnails of the pictures in the texts so that the selection appears a window with the image at higher resolution, and many others.

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