PHPlist – Mailinglist and Newsletter Open Source

PHPLIST Software open source per mailinglist o newsletter

PHPlist certainly the most widely used and known system for Open Source mailing list and newsletter is licensed under the GNU GPL (General Public License) to manage mailing lists in general, stands out among the functions to use for multiple users (multi-user, multi- , rss, auto import, custom fields, etc. ..) The system is followed by a community and is constantly updated by the developers.
PHPList The program allows you to easily manage multiple newsletters with over 100,000 members.


PHPlist you manage different newsletters for different users or groups.;

  • Sending emails based on the intelligent configuration (eg send 50 emails at a time);
  • Send emails in text or HTML format;
  • Sending emails with attachments or graphics;
  • import and export data in CSV format;
  • Change templates
  • subscribe and unsubscribe newsletter on your website
  • Custom Fields
  • Newsletter via RSS.
  • Multilingual Newsletter

Technical Features

PHPlist uses the programming language PHP and the MySQL database, can work under Linux operating systems, Windows, MacOS, Unix and OS / 2.

Therefore you will need to be able to use these features, a server that supports PHP, MySQL database and Apache or IIS webserver with Windows.

Supported Platforms

The program PHPlist is an integrated platform developed for a variety of operating systems.

PHPlist also works with operating systems:

  • FreeBSD
  • GNU / Linux
  • Unix
  • Windows
  • MacOS