There are several things to consider to have optimized your joomla, such as in the global configuration of the site you have three points to follow. Title, Description and Keyword the most important is the title that you should try to give each page you create, even match it to keywords and description if you do not want to take the engines as the description text of a page, each item in the right side the part of administration find the info tab and then Meta Meta Data with description and keywords, fill it with the words most relevant to that item, do not overdo it with the words, do not need many words, enough keywords to Article 6.

Turn in the global configuration also the attribute that makes the link to the title, you can also use a third-party component that allows you to customize each page with additional keywords, the component is called JoomSEF and you can download it here.

To install the component you just load the component and follow the steps, you’ll see a code that you put in your file that you change htaccess.txt. Htaccess only after activating the SEF function of the global configuration.

You will see your change of address / index.php? option = com_ content & task = view & id = 432 & Itemid = 13 / page.html

Go to the configuration of the component is activate it, change the Pgina php in html, and remove the redirects to 404 redirects in the home page. Other features you can customize to your liking.

Other components are available but we recommend it for its easy use and fast, you will first need to install it on small sites because it threatens to take away too many system resources and if you are in shared un’hosting could slow down a bit your joomla.