Add user FrontendThis component makes it possible to add users to Joomla and Community Builder from the frontend. This is done by filling out a form and inserting the userdata directly in the database with mysql queries. The component writes the data to the user tables: #__users #__core_acl_aro #__core_acl_groups_aro_map #__comprofiler (When CB mode is on!) New in version 1.2.3: Important bug fixed for XAMP servers New in version 1.2.2: – Choose exactly which input fields you want to display in the backend parameters. – Autogenerate usernames and passwords. – Send notificationemails. – Generate generic email addresses. – Choose between user groups. Community builder support: This components also supports Community builder but you need to switch it on in the components parameters after installing! Once set to CB mode the component will also insert the user data in Community Builder, the added user will be approved and confirmed. Security measures: When you add a user the component checks for double usernames and for double emails if configured so. All input fields have Javascript validation and an additional security check in php when sending the form in case javascript is turned off. Multiple security measures make sure that only Super Administrators and Administrators can add users from the frontend.